Pembroke Academy Players Alumni Association
Our Mission:
To establish an Alumni Association for the PA Players, with the goal of aiding the PA Players in all of their endeavors. This includes providing monetary assistance, raising awareness and reputation within the community, and establishing a network of interested adults to provide resources and advice to solve problems that may arise during production months.
Our History:
During my four years at Pembroke Academy, I had the chance to participate in five shows with the PA Players. As a PA Player, I was given the opportunity to learn many aspects of the theatre, such as set creation, stage managing, and of course, acting. During this time, I developed a strong admiration for this group – for both the quality of students involved and the dedication of the adults in charge. Under the direction of Mr. Peter Mehegan, the cast of each show became a tight-knit troupe of actors, and a second family to many members. Some of my best memories of high school were had during drama season, whether it was during rehearsal, hell week (the week before the show), or the performances themselves.
If you have seen any recent shows at PA, I am sure you will agree with me that the group always makes the most of their resources – they do more with less. Equipped with a creaky stage, minimalist sound and lighting setups, and meager backstage space, they manage to pull off shows to be remembered year after year. It is nothing short of incredible. I can only imagine what they could do with adequate resources.
Upon graduation in 2013, I, along with a few of my fellow players, felt that we had some unfinished business with the PA Players. A group that had given so much to its members deserved something in return. So, in December 2013, we started PAPAA, with the goal of creating a network of interested alumni to aid the PA Players in their future productions.
Our first Alumni production will be this summer, but the exact show has yet to be decided.